
I am a lifelong Raleigh-ite currently living in the 1950’s era house I grew up in. I’m a sucker for a vintage typewriter, though my best writing happens with a pen in hand before my fingers ever hit the keys.

I’m a mom to three so I spend large portions of my days searching for lost shoes. I’m married to a handsome and brilliant veterinarian who knows me well enough to be certain that I’m not mature enough to raise the backyard chickens that I’ve dreamed of.  Someday, my coop will come.  

I spent 14 years working in higher education, helping helicopter parents let go of their college kids and serving as a bonus mom to hundreds of students. 

Favorite Reads

I’m an avid (read – obsessive, insanely time-wasting) blog reader. I love discovering new writers who are sharing interesting perspectives from their own little corners of the internet.  Like my writing, much of what I read is about faith & doubt, photography, simple living, parenting, or writing.  Peruse some of my faves and find something interesting:

Beth Woolsey at Five Kids is a Lot of Kids

Kristen Howerton at Rage Against the Minivan

Courtney Slazinik at Click it Up a Notch

Kati Gardner

Addie Zierman at How to Talk Evangelical

Joshua Becker at Becoming Minimalist

Glennon Doyle Melton at Momastery

© 2020 jen mclean foster